Condition Survey of a Creekside Wall London

Flooding is now a key issue in London, with river defenses expected to raised further by 2020. For all developments near the Thames and its tributaries, it is critical to establish the condition of the flood defense walls. In this instance the river wall in question was made up of old, refurbished and new sections of wall, all made out of timber. The integrity of the wall is difficult to survey using traditional techniques due to the tidal nature of the creek and the thick mud at the base of the wall making access difficult. 

Click on the image above to load a 3D model of the Creekside Wall

ideally suited to the task

Survey of the creek wall by drone enabled us to capture high resolution images of the timber and steel structure as well as analysing the location and type of drainage outlets through the wall. It also enabled us to understand the 3D geometry of the wall and cut sections through the wall profile so that we could reconstruct the wall in a 3D model, seen below.

Creek Wall Model 

Creek Wall Model 
